Friday, July 4, 2008

My momma loves me

This chapter that I read talked about how men and women differ on show their affection with their children. Women are more affectionate and they tend to give their children hugs and kisses, while men show affection by throwing a ball or watching a game.
I found this to be true with my parents, but they are both affectionate and tell me they love me. I am my dads only child so we shared a lot of our time watching sports and playing games, but he always told me that he loved me because he didn't want me to feel that he didn't love me. My mom always makes sure to tell me that she loves me on an everyday basis, but she is not the hugging and kissing type. Which is weird to me since I always thought that moms are suppose to do that type of things. However when she does it, it makes me feel that much better! On the other hand with my step father I don't believe that he has ever told me that he loves me. I know that he does and that he is proud of all of my accomplishments, but hearing it once in awhile would make me feel that much better. Even though I know that all three of my parents love me so much its odd how none of them fully fill the description of how parents show their affection, but it has worked for me for the 24 years and I feel like I have came out good!

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