Saturday, July 5, 2008

Urgency hypothesis

Urgency hypothesis is a term that I found to make a lot of sense to me. Everyday when a person steps out of their house they are hoping that they are going to have a great day and that nothing will ruin their day. In part with keeping this true they must try to be polite, appropriate to others around them, however this can not always stand true. There is always that one person who will get you mad by doing something rude that will set you off and make you act rude. For example, this happens a lot to me malls, people bumping into me and not saying sorry. I think that is totally rude since it is not that hard to say sorry. When ever I bump into people I always make sure to say I'm sorry or excuse me. If people don't say it to me I get upset, but I don't say anything because its really not worth my time to make a huge deal of it. However when it happens to me, I stop and think that one day these rude people are going to bump into the wrong person and they are not going to be as nice as me. So in other words take time to be polite and say "excuse me", or "I'm sorry" in the long run it may save you a lot of trouble!

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