Saturday, July 5, 2008

Urgency hypothesis

Urgency hypothesis is a term that I found to make a lot of sense to me. Everyday when a person steps out of their house they are hoping that they are going to have a great day and that nothing will ruin their day. In part with keeping this true they must try to be polite, appropriate to others around them, however this can not always stand true. There is always that one person who will get you mad by doing something rude that will set you off and make you act rude. For example, this happens a lot to me malls, people bumping into me and not saying sorry. I think that is totally rude since it is not that hard to say sorry. When ever I bump into people I always make sure to say I'm sorry or excuse me. If people don't say it to me I get upset, but I don't say anything because its really not worth my time to make a huge deal of it. However when it happens to me, I stop and think that one day these rude people are going to bump into the wrong person and they are not going to be as nice as me. So in other words take time to be polite and say "excuse me", or "I'm sorry" in the long run it may save you a lot of trouble!

Chapter 12

In Chapter 12 it talks about reward power, I found this to be really interesting. This is when one person is trying to influence another person to do something and in order to get them to do it they offer them a reward. Rewards don't always have to be money this can be positive praises to let the person know they are doing good, or throughout the process letting them know of the good that can come out of what they are doing. These little words for the most part act as encouragement for the person to do this task. For example, I know that my little sister wanted to go to a concert, but she didn't have money. I needed my old room to be cleaned out since I moved, so I offered her $30 to clean my room. Which meant that I got my room cleaned and she got to go to the concert. At the end of the day we were all happy! I now am able to do this a lot with my younger siblings, but my parents did it a lot to me when I was growing up. This is a really good reward if used the right way and not taken advantage of. I also think that this is a really positive way to help people loose weight!

Friday, July 4, 2008

My momma loves me

This chapter that I read talked about how men and women differ on show their affection with their children. Women are more affectionate and they tend to give their children hugs and kisses, while men show affection by throwing a ball or watching a game.
I found this to be true with my parents, but they are both affectionate and tell me they love me. I am my dads only child so we shared a lot of our time watching sports and playing games, but he always told me that he loved me because he didn't want me to feel that he didn't love me. My mom always makes sure to tell me that she loves me on an everyday basis, but she is not the hugging and kissing type. Which is weird to me since I always thought that moms are suppose to do that type of things. However when she does it, it makes me feel that much better! On the other hand with my step father I don't believe that he has ever told me that he loves me. I know that he does and that he is proud of all of my accomplishments, but hearing it once in awhile would make me feel that much better. Even though I know that all three of my parents love me so much its odd how none of them fully fill the description of how parents show their affection, but it has worked for me for the 24 years and I feel like I have came out good!

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Chapter 15

Attachment styles are a major part of our lives. We seem to use them everyday since they help us to deal with conflict, falling in love with that special someone, act normal, and other actions such as those. In chapter 15 the author talks about three kinds of attachment styles that people fall under. These are, Secure this is who you are most comfortable with and feel you can become close to, Avoidant would be a person that you do not trust and try to stay away from, and Anxious/ ambivalent is where you might feel comfortable with something or someone, but still scared of rejection so therefore you don't open up fully. All of these styles I feel that we first learn as a child when we are close to our parents. Then as we grow older we start to share these feelings with our significant other and finally with our children and grandchildren. Even though I did not carry my niece for 9 months, I still feel as though I share a lot of these traits with her since I have been around her since day one and play a huge role in her life.

Saturday, June 28, 2008


I really liked reading about this topic a lot because I feel that this is something too many relationships have to deal with. Jealousy I feel is something that comes from two people either one not trusting each other, or two the are insecure with themselves. I have said this many times in my blogs that I feel trust is the basis of relationships. And in order to not think that your significant other is not cheating on you, you need to trust them. Also there are people that have jealousy issues because they have had prior relationships that the other person has cheating on them and they think that its going to happen to them again. I have a friend who was married for 5 years to this women and she cheated on him with her current husband. My friend is now remarried, but he had really bad trust and jealousy issues because he feels as though his wife is going to cheat on him. Every time she talks to co-workers that are guys he gets really jealous and accuses her of cheating. I tell him time and time again that he needs to trust her because she is a wonderful women and if he keeps acting this way that he is going to lose her. After reading this chapter, I might try to suggest the study and tell him to heat up the bedroom and maybe that will help their marriage. I really hope!!!

Friday, June 27, 2008


Impartiality Favoritism is something that I have to deal with all the time with some of my friends. These are the friends that don't want to hurt each others feelings so the act "fake" so they stay neutral. For example I am not getting along with one of my friends that I have had for about 5 years. As we got older we just started to drift away and like different things. Even though we don't talk we still have a lot of mutual friends. One of these friends in particular tries to play us both and act like she supports us both when the other is not present. I find this to be really annoying since I totally understand that she is trying to stay neutral, but she is not being a good friend by saying stuff behind the other persons back. This to me is a very negative way of staying neutral. The people that stay good friends to each other no matter what and don't say anything bad about the other no matter what problems they are going through; those are the good friends!

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Maintenance of a Relationship

I really found this part of the chapter really interesting since my boyfriend and I have been talking a lot about it these last few weeks since we are moving in with each other. This basically talks about being positive and sharing tasks are a big part of keeping a relationship alive and strong. Since this is a big step for us we talked about ways we can do things to not make our relationship go bad. For example sharing tasks around the house. We are both going to be working full time jobs so there is no reason why we should not be able to do equal amount of work. Also always keep positive about the issues that surround you. At times things may get tough, but if you keep a positive attitude everything will work out for the better. I really enjoyed this whole chapter because it gave me a new out look on relationships and how to communicate. Since that is the basis of relationships!