Saturday, June 28, 2008


I really liked reading about this topic a lot because I feel that this is something too many relationships have to deal with. Jealousy I feel is something that comes from two people either one not trusting each other, or two the are insecure with themselves. I have said this many times in my blogs that I feel trust is the basis of relationships. And in order to not think that your significant other is not cheating on you, you need to trust them. Also there are people that have jealousy issues because they have had prior relationships that the other person has cheating on them and they think that its going to happen to them again. I have a friend who was married for 5 years to this women and she cheated on him with her current husband. My friend is now remarried, but he had really bad trust and jealousy issues because he feels as though his wife is going to cheat on him. Every time she talks to co-workers that are guys he gets really jealous and accuses her of cheating. I tell him time and time again that he needs to trust her because she is a wonderful women and if he keeps acting this way that he is going to lose her. After reading this chapter, I might try to suggest the study and tell him to heat up the bedroom and maybe that will help their marriage. I really hope!!!


Les Richman said...

Hi There! I wrote on relationships as well. While I was reading about relationships, my favorite part was the “staying positive” part. How could any relationship work when both partners aren’t thinking positively? In my past relationships I had a tendency to get upset about something and take it out on my boyfriend as well. It was never fair that I took out my frustrations on my boyfriends, especially when they didn’t do anything to begin with!

squirrelhands said...

You’re right; a lot of relationships do have to deal with jealous, more than they should. I would have to agree the insecure part of jealousy. Because if people were confident and knew themselves well enough and knew what they gave to their relationship was enough, then they wouldn’t have to worry about being cheated on. And if they feel that insecure they should talk about it more to their partner rather then let the fear of being cheated on hamper how they act and feel about their partner and relationship. Good advise to your friend and I hope it works out for him.