Saturday, June 14, 2008

Week 2 Entery 2

Stereotypes are something that I feel people deal with everyday. I know I am guilty of doing it a lot. My boyfriend goes to SCU and a lot of the students that go there are white and rich. So I always assume that all of the students that go there are rich if they are white. Which is bad for me to do because I never give these people the time of day because I automatically think they are stuck up. On a normal basis I find myself to be a very friendly and down to earth person, which is why I don't understand why I treat them so bad. I think that it may have to do with the fact that I have struggled through College having to work full time and go to school full time. And I see that they don't have to work and they still have nicer things then me. It may be that I am jealous of these group of people and wish that I could be like them.

I honestly hate stereotypes, I feel like it is mean and rude, but yet is something that is really hard not to do. Even if we (I) try to stop doing it.

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