Friday, June 20, 2008

Chapter 8

Chapter 8 was a really interesting chapter for me since it talked about embarrassment. This is something that I can say everyone has experiences at minimum one time in there life. Even though we all experienced this feeling its something that after you experience it, you wish you would have never done so. I know me personally have experienced this MANY times over the spanned of my 23 years of life. The one embarrassing moment that sticks in my head the most is when I was in 6Th grade. I was part of the "big" kids at school and we did not look dumb, in fact everybody looked up to us. So we thought! Well one day I wore a dress to school because my friends and I thought it would be cool to dress alike. During one of our recesses I went to use the bathroom and when I came out the back of my dress got stuck in my underwear! When one of the boys came and told me I was so embarrassed. Everybody was laughing at me and my first reaction was to cry and go home. For the next few days I had to live with them making fun of me because of what happened. I till this day hear about it since I have many of the same friends. As I look back at the situation I should have turned it into a joke as the book suggests. I know almost turn every embarrassing moment into some type of joke. It takes the spot light off of me and the focus on how I managed to change it. Still I don't think that anybody enjoys getting embarrassed, humor or not.

1 comment:

Gian said...

Your post reminded me about a paper I did last semester for one of my comm classes about teasing. During my research in teasing, I learned how it has evolved through the years.

When we're younger, we have many reasons to why we would tease. We may be immitating behaviors from media, from family or our other peers. We may do it to feel superior, to make up for the worthiness that we lack; we put down others to make us feel better about ourselves. I could go on, but in a nutshell, a lot of the reasons why we teased when we were younger were primarily due to family and media influences.

Teasing even happens in college, but it's used for relationship building. And you have to admit, we don't take it as seriously as we did when we were much younger.